The Right People in the Right Roles: Have you got it right?

In any company’s journey, having the right people in the right roles is vital. A strong team, where everyone knows their job and can do it well, is what drives a business forward.
But how do you know if you have it right?
This blog offers a straightforward look at how to understand your team’s strengths using the ‘3 Cs’ and ‘9 Box’ models. It will explore how to understand the talent you already have and how it fits into your company’s leadership journey.
To begin, it’s crucial to understand the skills and capabilities of your team. Consider the ‘3 Cs’ model: Clarity, Capability, and Commitment (Ohmae).
- Clarity: Does each team member know what they’re supposed to do?
- Capability: Are team members good at their jobs and have they received the right training?
- Commitment: Are they dedicated to their work and committed to the company?
Importantly, points 1 and 2 are your organisation’s responsibility and therefore can be improved upon. Rate each team member from 1 to 5 on these Cs. If scoring low on clarity or capability address this through training, one to one’s, meetings or workshops. If commitment is low, consider the culture you have and if it’s supporting a diversity of thinking and backgrounds. However, it may be that someone is just no longer committed to the journey you’re on.
The 9-Box Model
Once you understand the 3 Cs, explore the 9-box model (GE McKinsey). This is a tool to help you establish who is ready for more responsibility and who might need more support. It’s important not to begin with the 9-box model before establishing capability and clarity, as you may classify someone as a low performer who just needs more clarity on their role or support to develop their skills.
By considering where people sit in this model, leaders and HR professionals can identify high-potential individuals who should be supported for leadership positions and offer targeted development programmes for those with untapped potential. Note: these models are a good starting point and should be caveated with the understanding that they can oversimplify the complexity of individual performance and potential.

The combined application of the 3 C’s and the 9-box model offers an informed perspective on your workforce’s current composition and identifies areas for growth.
Having the right people in the right roles ensures your organisation is supported by individual strengths, fostering a cohesive and efficient team that drives your organisation’s success.
At Tribus People, we utilise insights and data to help you understand the skills, competencies and capabilities you have, develop the leadership capabilities you need and find exceptional leaders.
GE, McKinsey. (1970). Nine box model.
Ohmae, K. (1982). The Mind Of The Strategist: The Art of Japanese Business. McGraw-Hill.apability