Six ways to help your business thrive

Businesses which achieve the best return on investment in people pay equal attention to how they attract, recruit, retain and deliver. In this blog, we explore ways of strengthening your performance, so your business becomes more successful, profitable and resilient.
Finding the leaders that you need to take your business forward
The cost of hiring the wrong leader can be huge. As well as the financial cost, estimated for a manager to be over three times their salary (Recruitment & Employment Confederation), it has an unquantifiable cost on productivity, culture and morale.
Our Executive Recruitment service is designed to eliminate many of the frustrations, blockers and mistakes which dog senior level recruitment, such as recruiting like-for-like replacements, CV overload, failure to qualify candidates properly and overlooking incompatible values. Instead, we’ll challenge you to ensure that the job and person specification is exactly right before approaching and assessing a small pool of potential candidates to test their potential fit.
Only when we’re satisfied that they are worth your time, will we make introductions.
The real cost of poor decision making
“We calculate that a poor hire at middle-management level at a salary of £42,000 could end up costing a business £132,015 in total to resolve.”
Kevin Green, Chief Executive, Recruitment & Employment Confederation
Developing your leaders, teams and culture
The one thing that’s going to be certain in a post-pandemic world is uncertainty. Over the last few years, we have all become used to some change, such as operating on an increasingly public stage, but now we are expected to accept, implement and embrace change at a remarkable rate.
Although traditional business skills such as decision making and communication will always be valued, your leaders and teams will need to develop softer skills such as adaptability, curiosity and humility in order to survive and thrive.
Our People & Culture Development service will bring together coaches, mentors, trainers, D&I experts and wellbeing specialists in a personalised programme to give your people the support they need.
Laying the foundations for continued growth
Your business may have evolved naturally so far but taking a more proactive and objective approach to its design will make it easier to achieve your strategy, increase efficiencies and nurture innovation.
David Chamberlain, one of our Co-Founders, comments, “Taking a step back and looking at the roles needed to fulfil your business’s objectives, rather than the people you have available, is incredibly powerful. It helps you avoid one of the common mistakes smaller organisations make – shaping their structure to suit loyal employees’ skills and needs.”
Our Organisation Design service will help you take an objective view of the structure your business needs to be more successful and help you get the right people in the right place at the right time.
Ensuring your key people can evolve with your business
No matter what steps you take to minimise loss, it’s impossible to retain exactly the same leadership team year in, year out. As well as roles becoming available due to ill-health, retirement or resignation, business growth will also open up new management vacancies. Regardless of the reasons, having a pool of potential leaders ready to step into a more critical or key position will help safeguard your business’s productivity and profitability.
Our Succession Planning service will help you identify your strongest talents, nurture their leadership skills and ensure they are committed to your future.
Keeping it in the family…or not
Family-run businesses can avoid succession planning in order not to rock the boat. In PwC’s UK Family Business Survey, while 69% of family-run businesses had succession plans, only 18% described them as formal. If you’re a family business, we can help you take an objective view of what you need to do to protect your business’s future whilst protecting family relationships.
Saving time and money by fine-tuning your processes
Recruitment will always be a business need. Streamlining and optimising your processes now will pay for itself time and time again. With the average length of the job interview process at 27.5 days (Glassdoor), shaving even a few days off will give you a competitive advantage and free up valuable internal resource.
Optimising your processes can also help get relationships with candidates off to a strong start, turning even unsuccessful applicants into advocates.
Our Recruitment Process Optimisation experts have the knowledge and experience needed to help you develop processes which will attract more suitable candidates, reduce administrative burden, turn new hires into loyal employees and grow your employer brand.
Becoming the employer of choice in your industry or area
Your employer brand is how you differentiate yourself in the work market. Get it right, and it’s easier to attract, recruit, retain and engage the right people. Even if you haven’t purposefully set out to develop an employer brand, your employees, ex-employees and previous recruitment activities will have generated one for you.
Strengthening your employer brand will help you attract candidates who have the right skills to take your business forward and who are a good cultural fit.
Conversely, a poor employer brand, or one which is mismatched with reality, can hold your business back.
Our Employer Branding services will identify why your employees love coming to work, benchmark you against your competition and help you develop a brand which is unique, honest and compelling.
The importance of employer branding
“An employer brand isn’t just a PR stunt to generate job applications. There’s nothing worse for a candidate, especially a senior hire, than starting a new job and feeling like they have been misled. It erodes trust between the employee and employer. We help businesses create an employer brand that’s true to the business and which fits with their strategy and public brand. This helps new hires to feel settled and reassured that they’ve made the right decision.”
Sarah Knight, Co-Founder at Tribus.
Addressing any people-related areas of weakness will enable you to take your business to the next level, but there’s no simple ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution.
Our unique data-driven approach will help you develop an objective view of your business’s strengths and weaknesses. We’ll then work in partnership to develop a customised package of services that will meet your unique needs. To find out more, contact us today.